I am not known for still
lifes, but I have been watching Thaw
Malin and
Brendy Vaughn and Delilah Smith and Liza
Hirst and Tom Brown and Carol Marine and
Jelaine Faunce and Irene Corey and
Qiang Huang and other Daily Painters who are so versatile - they can paint ANYTHING and are really good at stills! I wanted to try it, too. So I set up a little box covered table top 3 feet from my easel, ironed a piece of muslin, gathered stuff from the kitchen, pointed a
lamp at it and started to paint. Tomorrow I may try something more complicated. I know from experience that it is MUCH EASIER to paint something from life than from a photograph. Photos don't pick up all the details like you would expect, plus they have no depth, but just try to get my horses to pose for a painting!
This 8 X 10 oil on Stretched canvas can be purchased directly from me.
Proverbs 6:23 For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life.
You did an excellent job. I am particularly impressed with the lemon. Keep painting! And, thank you for the mention. I am honored. :o)
Very nice job on this. the reflections on the pitcher are great. Although, I am partial to the western scenes since I discovered my inner cowgirl recently on my visits to Wyoming!
Welcome to DP. For your welcome gift I have tagged you...check out my blog for the rules.
Wonderful job on this, it truly looks like glazed pottery.
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