12 X 16 Oil on canvas mounted on board
Check with Artist for Availability
Wow - you wouldn't know it today that it's Springtime in Texas. The thermometer is supposed to drop into the 30's tonight. Guess I'll be out covering tomatoes, although I'm pretty sure they'll be OK - they've been out for a while now and are pretty hardy.

More farm reports: The 14 chicks that hatched in the incubator 6 weeks go are all doing well and it looks like half are roosters - following the odds. Guess we'll be eating stewed chicken here in a couple months...

Oh, I almost forgot the most exciting news of all: I CAUGHT A BEE SWARM! Our bees had been acting restless for several days. I was heading out to the corral to check on something and when I walked under the cedar elm, I heard a loud buzzing and I wondered briefly why the bees were around a tree with no blossoms...? I look up and saw a hug football-sized wad of bees about 15 feet up. WOW! I ran to get Mike to bring me a ladder, a box and a saw while I hurriedly donned my beekeeping garb and mixed some sugar water spray. As it turned out, I really didn't need to be so cautious. While they flew madly around me as I sawed off the limb they were clinging to, none landed on me or even tried to sting. It was unnerving at first and I was shaking all over, but it was exhilarating, too!
We called our friends, fellow beekeepers, and offered the swarm to them, as they had lost theirs due to cold this past winter. PLUS they are our alpaca poop providers and I feel we are still getting the best end of the deal! Boy, this has been a busy Spring!
Leviticus 26:5
Your threshing will continue until grape harvest and the grape harvest will continue until planting, and you will eat all the food you want and live in safety in your land.
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