4 paintings 12X12 each
Contact Artist for Availability
It has been a long time since my last post. A number of things have kept us busy, the least of which was all the storms that have kept much of the US wet and stirred up.
The big garden was prepped in February, and when March presented us early with some mild weather, I took a chance and planted everything. March left us like a freezing lion and April blew in with floods and cold weather and more floods. Everything ended up either washed away or rotting in the cold earth. We managed to roto-till everything up again and re-planted while dodging tornadoes. The little plants did come up and struggled valiantly despite repeated beating by hail and wind gusts throughout all of May. I just about gave up on getting a crop big enough to put up - maybe a few pickings of green beans and an errant ear of corn?
Mother Nature surprised us again - and this time with good news. The rains finally quit, and in the 50% of the garden that didn't wash away, the corn stood up and produced a lovely crop, the green beans are on their second round of flowering and are STILL without spidermites, and I did manage to dig a respectable potato crop out of the mud. With warm weather finally here, the black eyed peas are reaching for the sky as well. I know there's a sermon in this story...

These paintings are "exercises". Two of them are oil and 2 are magazine mosaic collages. I am considering adhering them all to a 24 X 24 panel for one large display. The model was Sophie's calf, Bille, who fast became a favored fellow soon after he was born. He's curious and friendly and forever poking his nose into stuff. He's over 6 months old, though, and getting a little big for his britches now.
Mike's folks and my Mom are doing well - just a bit soggier than usual - and none of us have grown gills yet.
Ecclesiastes 11:4 Whoever watches the wind will not plant;
whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email.
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