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Went to my 40th High School reunion this weekend and it was surprisingly fun. No, I did not remember everyone, but those I DID remember, remembered me (or said they did) and seemed glad to see me. Now we return to life on the farm and getting ready for the grand baby...
One of the hens will NOT leave her nest box and evidently wants to set some eggs, so I am going to let her. I know it's late in the year for this, and I may regret it, but she is so darned determined to do it. I will save the largest eggs for a couple days and keep them at room temperature, mark them and place them all under the hen at the same time. And hopefully 21 days from then we'll have some chicks. Of course, I am also assuming that the rooster has been doing his job...I will "candle" the eggs a week into incubation to check for fertility....
Jeremiah 17:11
Like a partridge that hatches eggs it did not lay is the man who gains riches by unjust means. When his life is half gone, they will desert him, and in the end he will prove to be a fool.