PJ is 10 months pregnant and getting fatter by the day. She's due at the end of this month - 12 years old and having her first foal. I should have my head examined. I begged all my friends four years ago when I stopped breeding horses, "Please shoot me if I ever even MENTION that I would like to have another foal." Obviously that didn't work. So...3 weeks from now I will be camping out with PJ - or at the very least setting my alarm clock every 2 hours to check on her. I have played this game before (watching mares when they are due to foal) and thought I was too old to do it anymore. Obviously I was wrong. Stay tuned......
This 18 X 24 painting I painted as a little painting last week and sold it immediately to a patron and decided to do it again, larger, and offer it at one of my galleries. I call it "Rebel" referring to the one horse or friend or family member who always seems to be always going in the opposite direction...And I just noticed that 5 distinct horse colors are represented: bay, paint, palomino, sorrel, and gray. I have owned every one myself but the gray. PJ will be giving birth to a paint (and yes, I have offended a number of Quarter Horse people by desecrating my mare with a paint, but they'll get over it!) I kinda like paints.
Job 33:7
No fear of me should alarm you, nor should my hand be heavy upon you.