5 X 6 Oil on Canvas board NFS
The Daily Painters are featuring a "theme day" once a month (the first Wednesday) on the Daily Painters Website. The first one we did was in October, and was "Orange Day". The assignment was simple: paint with orange. About half the daily painters participated making for a very colorful home page.The theme for January is a self portrait. I have very few pictures of me alone - I am either with Mike and Georgia on a mountain top or with one of my horses. Technically, I guess the painting should be only of me, but I had to include at least one of my "loves" - and Mike and Georgia will forgive me for leaving them out, I'm sure!
February's theme will be "Valentines" and March is tentatively "Reflections". Personally, I like being forced into doing something artistically that I would not ordinarily do on my own. Sometimes I like the results, and sometimes I don't. I am just learning to do portraits, so this was a good challenge, though I am less than happy with me - the horse I like, though!
Psalm 125:2
As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore.
You are courageous to paint yourself.
I mean, I think that for self portrait needs more courage then for the others. Every painting reveals something about the painter and his opinion about subject that paints. So, to paint honestly one's self portrait you could find unexpected pictures reveled in front of you.
what the deal? You don't have any teeth?
hmmmm - I DO look toothless, don't I? well, maybe I am..... :-)
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