My precious friend, Barbara, requested a "repeat performance" with this painting - slightly larger (and slightly different image). Barbara is part of what I call my "Florida Fan Club". A high percentage of my paintings have gone in that direction...there are a BUNCH of transplanted Texans in the Sunshine State!
I thought you might also enjoy the process by which I painted this little painting. I recommend new AOT bloggers to share their techniques, and I thought I should follow my own advice today.
I start by doing an under painting using Windsor and Newton Liquin Original to both help the paint dry quickly and to provide a slick base.
Then I used a white pencil to draw in the basics. Not much detail is needed here, as all I really want is placement of the main image.
Next I placed the extreme darks and lights. If I hadn't toned the canvas in advance, I would not place the lights until the very end, but I do that now just to be sure I won't "lose" them.
Now I add the mid tones and color - hopefully in a pleasing pattern that will keep your eye interested. Try not to muddy the colors here by adding too much white. Try to keep to using color that is close to straight from the tube.
Keep adding color and shapes - more intense color close up - grayed down and less intense with less detail in the background.
Finish up with the little details close up- highlight the flowers, add grasses, highlights on the horse's body...leave the background less detailed and less intense in value.
Psalm 19:14
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
If you are interested in a painting like this one click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!