We were not members of the wedding party, but the groom's family was gracious and generous in including us in the festivities. And it was delightful. Thank you, Washingtons! This little painting is for you...
When we built our house 12 years ago, we planted 4 dozen pecan trees, and we have nurtured and pampered them through droughts and tornadoes. Now we are finding ourselves plagued with squirrels. They are adorable little critters, despite the fact that in truth they are actually rats with fluffy tails. Georgia, the Border-Collie-Wanna-Be, has taken on the task of keeping the squirrels out of the yard - an impossible job, since she has at least 10 acres of trees to patrol (and an additional 38 acres of pasture). She came really close to catching one yesterday - in fact she snagged the end of its tail and brought the tuft to me.
Today my son-in -law Garrett pegged the little varmint with a 22 and I called my friend Sandy who has a recuperating Barn Owl in her horse barn, to see if she needed owl food.
Sandy is the resident "wild animal rehabilitator". Most of her expertise is actually in the raising of furry critters (whitetail deer being a specialty). But this summer she has been gifted with 2 owls - a little Screech and this Barn.
We suspect the Barn Owl is young, possibly injured slightly, although he does fly across the spans in her barn. But he doesn't leave. Instead he waits for her to deposit purchased baby mice (or in this case, a pegged squirrel).
Anyway, I took over my offering this afternoon and got a super picture of him in the rafters, waiting for me to leave so he could begin feasting on the squirrel.
Technically, he's not captive, so Sandy isn't violating any wildlife rules, but still he doesn't leave. AND if he keeps her barn free of mice (and occasional pigeons), that's a good deal for everyone!
Ephesians 5:2
and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
1 comment:
I love how you depicted the reflections in the water.
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