Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stuck Easy


My regular sun down routine includes catching both cats and securing them in the garage (safe from the coyotes), one last toss of food at the koi, refilling hummingbird feeders if necessary, and counting horse and cow noses. I only counted 2 horses last night – Easy wasn’t within immediate view from the back door, and he wasn’t hiding behind one of the large shrubs that line the garden fence, which was often the case. Uneasily I loudly called his name “Easy!!?”

A loud whinny from the scrub oaks and hackberries that line the driveway to my left told me where he was and that he was in trouble, because he didn’t immediately appear. I ran to the woods and in the dim light I spotted him – caught in the brambles and unable to go forward or back without getting scratched and scraped.

I bolted for the house and hollered at Mike to get the pruners and gloves while I got his halter. We hurried back to the horse, and I haltered him and kept him still while Mike trimmed the brambles from around his body and those already caught in his tail. Easy calmly stood there and then took one step at a time as we trimmed the snares from around him. As I petted him, I remembered that as I returned from town that afternoon around 2:00 pm, I noticed him standing in the woods and I recalled thinking to myself, I didn’t know there was a path at that exact spot. Well, there is now, and evidently after he scratched himself and got his tail tangled, Easy just decided to wait for help. Aside from a few nicks and being covered in mosquito bites, he was fine. I felt bad for not noticing that he was in trouble 6 hours earlier!

I haven't painted much this week - the yard and garden has commanded my attention. I did get a lesson in horse hoof trimming - thanks, Trista! That reminded me how MUCH underpaid farriers are! (Oh, my aching back!)

Proverbs 22:5
In the paths of the wicked lie thorns and snares, but he who guards his soul stays far from them.

1 comment:

Rick Nilson said...


Sometimes stuff like this happens to me. My kind wife justs unplugs the power tools and takes away the remote control. She is very kind like that.