Colorado Asters 5 X 15 Oil on canvas board $115
Includes shipping and insurance
The snow has been falling all day and the wind has blown like nobody's business. Yesterday it was 79 degrees. I got sunburned working in the garden, and I was inspired to paint flowers!
I awoke this morning to blustery winds, 32 degrees and fat snowflakes, desperately trying to stick on the warm ground.
Mike and I were scheduled to ring the bell for the Salvation Army in front of the local WalMart at noon, so we journeyed into town through the blizzard.

Until today I had been rather glum about this year's Christmas, but standing in the blowing snow and wishing friends and neighbors "Merry Christmas" totally changed my mood. By the time we finished our assigned hour, had shopped and visited a friend in the nursing home, the roads were becoming dangerous so we headed slowly for home. We passed 6 cars in the ditch in our 12 mile journey. (All were being helped.) A long, cold afternoon in front of the fire, listening to old time radio programs, reading and painting loomed. Life is good.
We all need to remember that the reason for Christmas is NOT to have a contest for who gets the biggest pile of goodies that hold our interest for 5 minutes. We need to remember that God only wants us to be more like him every day of the year - giving and
FORgiving. And every time we do so, we get closer to him.
God bless ya'll this Christmas and remember to keep laughing at Al Gore - Global Warming hasn't hit Texas yet!
Ephesians 4:32Be kind and compassionate to one another,
forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.