Friday, September 26, 2008

You're Supposed to Follow Me

6 X 8 Oil on Canvas Board $125
Includes Shipping and Insurance
This little Arabian filly belongs to my neighbors and doesn't know that she is either supposed to follow Georgia, the Border-Collie-Wanna-Be, or be chased by her. And this confuses the dog.
Life is confusing enough already - do I buy stocks now or sell everything I have??? Should I get all my money out of the bank and put it under my mattress? Buy gold (can't eat gold)? Whew. I know one thing is for sure - I will be cutting wood all winter, because I don't like being cold. And I AM buying extra canned goods. That's about it. I joke and say "I can always eat the horses" but in reality I have real doubts about that, too. We rarely know what we'll do until we are faced with it, do we?
(FYI: There are over 400 references to GOLD in the Bible...)
Proverbs 16:16
How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!

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