Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Kiss My A** - logo for website by Debbie Grayson Lincoln
I have always been an artist, and before I concentrated my efforts on fine art, I was a graphic artist. This drawing was requested by a customer who breeds white, blue-eyed donkeys and wanted an image to use on her website. No job too small...
Today on the farm was quiet as we continue to twiddle our thumbs while Sophie gestates. Sophie has no fancy pedigree - in fact she most likely carries the genetics of at least 2 breeds of dairy cows, and I suspect that it's Holstein and Jersey. However, she has been artificially inseminated with the genetics of a fancy dandy Guernsey bull named "Grumpy". Guernsey milk tends to be yellower in color and contains more beta carotene than other breeds of dairy cattle. In addition, the butterfat content is often higher. Obviously, we are hoping the calf is a heifer that we can ultimately milk, but experience has taught me to be happy with a calf of any gender so long as it's alive and healthy. This birth will be no different. The good news is her due date is less than 2 weeks away. The bad news is the weather forecasts for her due date are not good. Looks like I may be spending time in the barn cleaning the horse stalls. The farm chores never end.
Genesis 30:27 And Laban said unto him, I pray thee, if I have found favour in thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that theLord hath blessed me for thy sake.
May God find you in this New Year appreciative of His blessings and resolved to share them with those you love and those you don't yet know you love!
If you are interested in something like this, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Predator Queen - African Lion painting by Debbie Grayson Lincoln
5 X 7 oil on Panel $75
Includes shipping and insurance in U.S.
Speaking of predators...I lost another chicken this evening - to an owl, I suspect. I went out at dusk to close the coop (chickens are free all afternoon), and there was one of the younger laying Production Reds - head missing, neck feathers everywhere - and still warm. The deed must have happened as they were headed for the coop for the night.I gathered up the body and trooped to the house, resigned not to let a perfectly good hen go to waste. After gutting and skinning, I popped her into the stew pot. The dogs will eat well tomorrow. This is the 5th chicken we have lost this year to accident and predators. Three of them were this Spring's young pullets. This particular hen was 2 years old, but she was full of yolks, so she was still laying well. I think Trudy needs to be left outside and be on guard more - especially as the sun goes down, as that seems to be a vulnerable time of day. Time to have a human to dog talk...
The image for today's painting came via friends who recently journeyed to Africa, and they generously shared some of their wildlife photos. Thanks, Ken and Diane!
James 1:5 If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Monday, December 29, 2014
Justin's Doggie 1 8 X 10
Commission - SOLD
I have been exercising 3 times a week with a group of friends for nearly 4 years, and I hate it, but I also hate to miss a session. Our ages range from 60 to 85. We meet at 7:00 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and have hired a young man as our "personal trainer". He varies our workouts and continues to challenge us and keep us on our toes - literally. As a Christmas gift for his adorable (new) wife, he commissioned me to paint portraits of their two little dogs. This is one of them. Since I was once owned by a Pomeranian, I really enjoyed doing this one for him.Tomorrow, the other cute doggie.
Today was beautiful and I spent part of it getting ready for some extended cold, wet weather. We moved a large round bale of hay to the cows, bedded down the calf pen with dry hay, filled all the water tanks and made sure the chickens were dry. Bring it on, Old Man Winter - we are ready!
Sophie report: No signs of impending birth, but her udder did appear a bit larger today. I may post photos of "cow porn" later for those interested in such things....
Genesis 8:22 As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Sunday, December 28, 2014
White Can Be Colorful, Too - White Longhorn Bull painting by Debbie Grayson Lincoln
All of the Christmas hullabaloo is over, and the farm is settling back into a normal routine.

I have managed to paint a bit lately since I don't have yard and garden demands...several commissions have made some happy recipients (I will post them later), and I have sold a number of small paintings both through Daily Painters and the Dutch Art Gallery in Dallas. I also have a number of paintings for sale in Bluff Dale at The Front Porch - a wonderful little gift shop that carries oodles of unique gifts and antiques. Hopefully I will find time to teach a class there this summer.
I pray you all had a joyous Christmas, and 2015 will find you healthy and prosperous!
Psalm 25:4 Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Changed My Mind - Cow painting by Debbie Grayson Lincoln
The lovely Miss Sophie is quite pregnant at the moment. Her second calf is due January 11, and we are waiting on pins and needles. The calf's sire is a Guernsey bull named "Grumpy" and of course we are hoping for a heifer.

Like the nearly 3 dozen baby chicks that we hatched over Thanksgiving - what WAS I thinking??? Now that they are getting big and outgrowing the brooder, it is still cold outside and they don't have enough feathers yet to keep themselves warm....oh dear. Time to make more plans.
Philemon 1:22 "One thing more - prepare a guest room for me, for I am hoping through your prayers to be restored to you."
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Joke's On You! - laughing donkey painting by Debbie Grayson Lincoln
10 X 10 oil on panel
SOLD to a Florida Collector
Donkeys definitely have a sense of humor - no doubt about it. And the one down the road that brays every morning at 4:00 a.m. must really be laughing a lot!
and her family (and dog) joined the fun. Add my mother and her cute pooch - it was doggie Heaven - and they all got along with our two.
After a week of eating and playing I have to admit that I enjoyed the peace when they left...but missed them within an hour. I have just so much to be thankful for!
Granddaughter, Addison, took her turn at the easel, too, and displayed an aptitude to paint boldly and follow directions well. I can't wait until next summer when she visits again!
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Coming At Ya - colorful cow portrait by Debbie Grayson Lincoln
I HATE scraping my paint palette and throwing away all that delicious color. But I need to start with a clean slate, so to speak, when I start a new project - and there are several waiting in line. So instead of throwing out the paint, I smeared it around on this panel and a cow strange!
Psalm 81:9 There shall be no strange god among you; you shall not bow down to a foreign god.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Psalm 81:9 There shall be no strange god among you; you shall not bow down to a foreign god.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
6 X 6 Oil on Canvas
SOLD to a collector in Rhode Island
I have been too busy to paint lately, but found myself with a free afternoon yesterday and wondering if I still remembered how to paint!As a warm-up, I selected an image from my hoard of cow faces shared by my many "cow friends". This is Darcy and she lives in Rhode Island. Completed in 30 minutes, it re-inforced my confidence, and I happily worked on 2 other commissions after this one. And when I showed it to Darcy's owner, they had to have it - all in all a productive day!
Job 4:5-6
5 But now it has come to you, and you are impatient;
it touches you, and you are dismayed.
6 Is not your fear of God your confidence,
and the integrity of your ways your hope?
it touches you, and you are dismayed.
6 Is not your fear of God your confidence,
and the integrity of your ways your hope?
Monday, September 8, 2014
A Zorse is a Zorse, Of Course, Of Course
12 X 12 on Panel $200
Includes shipping and insurance

Right now Janet is training a "zorse" - a hybrid that resulted in a zebra breeding a horse. Janet reports that it took a while to get him to trust her, but he's a really good boy and has not a mean bone in his body. I look forward to following her results with him.
Hebrews 6:1
Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God,
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Monday, September 1, 2014
Mule - Creede, Colorado pack mule at Road Canyon Reservoir
5 X 7 Oil on Panel
Includes shipping and insurance in US
Here's a whimsical little mule painting - again from those handsome fellows I found near Creede, Colorado. The flies are vicious this summer and being at 10,000 feet doesn't exempt this fellow.I will be attending a crafts's fair locally (in Morgan Mill) Saturday, September 13 and will have all my latest little paintings displayed. Come see me and them in person if you can!
Do not be like a horse or a mule, without understanding, whose temper must be curbed with bit and bridle, else it will not stay near you.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Aggravation - No Escape
6 X 8 oil on panel $125
Includes Shipping and Insurance US
I saw this mare in a pasture near Creede. She was being tormented by flies - which seem to be a huge issue everywhere this summer.I am spraying my cows and horses every three days. There is just no escaping them...
This is an unusual palette for me, but somehow it seems to work.
Hosea 13:3
Therefore they will be like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears, like chaff swirling from a threshing floor, like smoke escaping through a window.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Goosey Goosey - Canadian goose at Road Canyon Reservoir
5 X 7 Oil on Panel $100
Includes Shipping and Insurance
I understand that the Canadian Goose population has exploded recently and I believe it. In the headwaters of the Rio Grande I personally saw thousands - all fat and healthy and happy - and fun to photograph. There is a hunting season for them, but I am unaware of the details. Wild goose is one bird I have not yet enjoyed eating...I doubt they would be interested in our meager little stock pond, so I am not counting on adding a wild goose to our menu any time soon...Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Friday, August 22, 2014
Mules Mules Mules - from Thirty Mile Campground in Colorado
5 X 7 Oil on Canvas mounted on Board $125
Includes Shipping and Insurance
We are back from our yearly trek to Colorado. We escaped the blazing Texas heat for 3 glorious weeks where the temperature was never over 78 and often down in the 30's at night. DEEEE-lightful! Many many thanks to my friends and neighbors for taking care of the cows and horses, etc. And, MOM...thanks for encouraging us to go - I am so grateful you are feeling so well!At our first stop, near Road Canyon Reservoir on the way to Thirty Mile Campground near Creede, we passed a corral full of mules and horses. I LOVE mules and took many photos of them.
I would love to paint this in a large format using a different color palette...any takers?
A quick sketch on notebook paper (I forgot my sketchbook) established the composition.
I decided to make the format slightly wider than square, re-drew the sketch onto the canvas and began painting.
Unlike many painters, I prefer to work "front to back", painting the negative space to make corrections in the outline, if needed.
This painting was completed in about 3 hours (not counting the photography, planning and final drawing). Painting on the "kitchen table" in the RV is not the best of circumstances - lighting is very bad and the space is cramped. I used to take boxes of supplies and canvases, but I have learned to take the barest minimum and make-do.
My fellow artist friend, Niki Gulley leads ART TREKS to Europe (France and Italy), and I marvel how artists can travel overseas and bring along enough of their stuff. But I have learned to do the same when we set off in the RV. Less really is more!
Exodus 13:21
By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Milk Face - colorful calf portrait by Debbie Grayson Lincoln
6 X 6 Oil on canvas panel $125
Includes Shipping and Insurance
Has it REALLY been over 2 months since my last post - oh my, we have had a busy summer! This unusually cool and wet Spring made gardening a challenge. We planted late and then re-planted following the late frosts. Only one peach tree produced fruit - all the rest lost their fruit with frosts.
On the plus side, the corn was bumper as were the potatoes and peas.
We are still harvesting squash, cantaloupes, and tomatoes with assorted beans on the way.
We are still in drought - and way behind in rainfall. We are still hopeful, however, that this past Spring moisture is a portent of good weather to come.
On the plus side, both cows are well and pregnant. Sophie's HUGE heifer calf, Puddin', is fat and sassy. Abbey's foster steer calf is the same - in fact he obligingly posed for this portrait about 5 months ago when he first arrived.
Psalm 1:3 They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Karla's "Tank" - Boston Terrier portrait - Debbie Grayson Lincoln
9 X 12 Oil on mounted canvas panel

Luke 7:3-5
New Living Translation (NLT)
3 When the officer heard about Jesus, he sent some respected Jewish elders to ask him to come and heal his slave. 4 So they earnestly begged Jesus to help the man. “If anyone deserves your help, he does,” they said, 5 “for he loves the Jewish people and even built a synagogue for us.”

Saturday, May 17, 2014
In a Hurry - colorful cow painting by Debbie Grayson Lincoln
6 X 8 Oil on MDF Panel
$110 includes Shipping and Insurance
Cows don't like to run. They just aren't built for it. But sometimes they can be "inspired" to move a little faster than their regular pokey amble. In the past week I have seem my cows run (and leap) several times. The first time was when they discovered every afternoon lately has been banana treat time, and me showing up with a bucket mid-afternoon is reason for haste. The second time was when hail preceded this last round of wonderful rain. Cows AND horses made a bee-line for the barn. And the third running observation of running (and leaping) was of both cows and their calves evacuating our white kitty from the pasture. For some reason they just don't like that cat - and for once I didn't have my camera on me...
The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded amid the hail and burning coals.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Friday, May 16, 2014
Following Their Lead - South African lion painting by Debbie Grayson Lincoln
5" X 12.5" Oil on MDF panel
Check with Artist for Availability

This painting is leaving for the Dutch Art Gallery in a few days. Since it is an odd size, I already have it in a custom frame and it will be available for purchase, too.
I am surrounded by fierce lions who greedily devour human prey— whose teeth pierce like spears and arrows, and whose tongues cut like swords.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Tongue Lashing - colorful little cow painting by Debbie Grayson Lincoln
6 X 6 Oil on Canvas Panel
Sometimes all I need to do to change my mood for the better is paint a cow... a cow with a LOT of personality, like this one. Actually ALL cows have personality, some just more than others.My cows do this "tongue thing" when they come up to me - anticipating their treats. Lately I have discovered that they LOVE bananas - WHOLE bananas, peels and all.

Have you hugged a cow lately? I can guarantee it'll put you in a hood mood...
Isaiah 40:15
No, for all the nations of the world are but a drop in the bucket. They are nothing more than dust on the scales. He picks up the whole earth as though it were a grain of sand.
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Rex and the Doctor's Buggy: "What Is This?" by Debbie Grayson Lincoln
12 X 16 Oil on canvas mounted on board
Wow, it seems like MONTHS since I have posted here...wait a minute, it HAS been months! I have been painting - a LOT - and farming and milking and making cheese and missing my grandbabies and visiting with adored relations...
I thought I'd better check in before y'all thought something had happened to me!
This painting is a commission (I have been doing quite a few of them lately) from a fellow cow lover in Arizona. Lisa has a cow and Rex, the horse, a couple mules, chickens and occasional turkeys and pigs. Rex looks particularly handsome pulling the Doctor's Buggy, and Lisa caught a very nicely composed image of him that I just HAD to paint!
I will post all the other pieces I have been working on lately, too, so stay tuned!
1 Samuel 16:12
So Jesse sent for him. He was dark and handsome, with beautiful eyes. And the Lord said, “This is the one; anoint him.”
If you are interested in this painting like this one, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!
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