Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winter Coat

SOLD to a California Collector
5 X 7 Oil on Canvas Board $115

Shipping and Insurance included within U.S.
While I was painting on a large canvas today, Georgia hopped up into a chair to look out the picture window into the front pasture. We have moved the horses to the "North Pasture" for the winter. It's easier to feed them there, and they have the barn for shelter. Ron has moved his cows off, so now I watch horses instead of Longhorns out the studio window. And so does Georgia. And if one comes close to the house or barn, she thinks it's necessary to go out and check on them. Georgia saw PJ coming up to drink and wanted out to go check on her.
I obliged and let her out, and she immediately proceeded to try and start a game of tag with her. Dandy was behind her mom half way to the barn and immediately started running, thinking it was feeding time, I guess. I grabbed my camera and snapped a quick action shot. She is very fuzzy and shows no highlights when the sun shines on her. All her dense velvety fur absorbs sunlight (and heat, too, I guess) and reflects very little light. She must be very warm on sunny winter days. Her winter coat is nature's furnace....
Earlier today friends Pat and Ken stopped by to announce a milestone in their Financial Peace University class - they paid off their truck EARLY and are snowballing their horse trailer now. They are following the class instructions as well, if not better, than everyone, and I am so proud of them! Keep it up, Gazelles! They will be debt free in no time...
DON'T FORGET: Go HERE to bid on current paintings on eBay!
Psalm 12:6
And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful art work.