Sunday, February 10, 2008

Studio Update

I have done very little painting this week - but I have sold 2 large ones!!!! And both were to repeat buyers. It takes a lot of trust to buy a painting sight unseen from someone you have never met - or seen their paintings in person, and I am amazed at the people who do. But once they have seen how much BETTER paintings look in reality, they gain confidence repeat purchasing. That is happening to me more and more So to you wonderful people out there who have not only bought one painting but come back again to buy more, I say thanks and God bless you!

The studio has the north side of the roof up and decked. My little blind Pomeranian, Kibble, likes to follow me out there and lay in the sun while I sweep up nails and sawdust. I am encouraging her to "go to the studio" and get her accustomed to the new room and the way to get there. She understands "step" and walks carefully when I instruct her, so she is learning the route and the steps she must go up and down. Kibble lost her sight suddenly about a year ago (SARDS) and went through a terrible depression, but we still take her camping - on a leash, of course - and we are trying to keep her stimulated in as many ways as possible. She is only 8, so I expect to have her around for many more years. She is very attached to me also, which makes it difficult to leave her with anyone other than a close family member.

We are in Lent right now, and I , like so many others, am using this season to improve my health by counting calories and increasing my activity. Like another Daily Painter, I have been walking and counting my steps - with a goal of 10,000 per day - which translates roughly into about 4 1/2 miles. My church is 2 miles from home, so I walked home today after the service, and as long as the weather cooperates, I will continue to do that. It's a wonderful opportunity to continue my communication with God and plan the week, something I used to do during my 40 minute daily commute to work. AND I get nearly half my steps in!

3 John 1:2 Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

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